Volunteer Opportunities
Do you have an interest in historical interpretation? Is there a burning desire to live, even for a moment, in the manner and clothing of our Founding Generation, and share that experience with others? Or do you enjoy the programming and events presented by the George Rogers Clark Heritage Association, and want to use skills or talents that you have to help the organization, without necessarily wearing wool and linen? The George Rogers Clark Heritage Association has plenty of Volunteer Opportunities for which YOU would be the perfect fit!
Each year, the GRCHA is the beneficiary of untold skills and talents of our members and volunteers from the surrounding community, who give of their time and allow the organization to fulfill its mission and bring premier educational and entertainment opportunities to Clark County, to Ohio, and to travelers from all over the world. Whether serving drinks in the Black Horse Tavern at The Fair at New Boston, giving an educational presentation at a general membership meeting, helping to maintain the grounds, our Gathering House, or our lawn equipment, or any of the other "things that need done", the GRCHA is always grateful for the assistance we receive from our Volunteers. Does your employer have a Community Service requirement? GRCHA is a Non-Profit 501(c)3 corporation, and can provide a means to accomplish that goal, as well as tax deduction for any charitable financial contribution to the organization.
Check into the opportunities below for some of the ways YOU can help! Don't see what you're looking for? Contact us and let us know what you can offer! Every person who gives of their time is a benefactor to our mission!

Are you a history buff? Join the fun and volunteer at our annual Fair at New Boston. Not only will you have the opportunity to learn more about our local history, but share it with others as well!

Whether you participate with the First Mad River Light Artillery with cannon demonstrations, or enjoy battlefield re-enactments with one of our associated infantry or mounted units, our group of volunteers are always at the ready!

If your feet just can't keep still, strap on your dancing shoes and join the Liberty Dancers! Practice is held at The Gathering House at George Rogers Clark Park on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of each month