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Let the Fair at New Boston Take You Beyond the Classroom!

Attention: All Public, Private & Home School Educators –

The mission of Education Day at the Fair at New Boston is to educate students about the history and culture of the Ohio Country in the Northwest Territory.
  • Step back in time and immerse yourself in an authentically recreated trades fair of the 1780-1810 time period.  See, hear, and experience 18th Century Ohio! Learn about skills such as, blacksmithing, tin smithing, weaving, and farming needed on the frontier for daily survival.  
  • Explore a Native American Village, learn about Ohio’s militia, and interact with a variety of  characters from the Ohio Frontier. 
  • Talk to an 18th century apothecary and chat with an upper class lady, as she practices the art form of  paper filigree.
  • Finally, experience the talents of the Fair’s  unique and varied entertainers and enjoy talking to one of our merchants, while purchasing an 18th century treasure to take home. 
Experience the Fair “behind-the-scenes.” This is a great opportunity to talk with citizens of New Boston for an inside view of the historical significance of events that occurred right here at George Rogers Clark Park.

More Info & Registration



Friday, August 29, 2025
9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Registration is Required



Registration is Required! 

Questions? Email

Last day to register will be

August 20, 2025

Admission is FREE to students, teachers & chaperones



4th Grade Recommended
Aligns with 4th Grade Ohio Social Studies Learning Standards

Education Day Registration

All school groups must be registered!  Please fill out the Google Form below.


Please read directions carefully so that teachers, students, and chaperones are informed. Questions about Education Day or Registration? Email
Program Fee:  Education day at The Fair of New  Boston is free to students and chaperones.
Homeschoolers: Students 17 and under plus one chaperone are free. 
Additional adults: 18 years  and older $5.00 
  • Your students’ well-being is one of our top priorities. Therefore, we ask that you keep your class together as a large group. Please bring one adult chaperone for every 10 students. It is the teacher and chaperones’ responsibility to keep ALL students together. No student should be alone on the field at any time. If a student needs to use the restroom, send the student accompanied by a chaperone to go to the Necessaries or porta pots. 


  • If a student is found separated from their group, they will be escorted to Little John’s Tavern.


  • All students, teachers, and chaperones MUST wear Name Tags. Name tags should include First and Last Name and School name. 


  • Homeschoolers also need to wear name tags that include students' names and contact information. 



Arrival and Departure:
  • Buses and cars need to arrive after 9:00am and exit by 2:00pm. (Many reenactors and businesses will be entering the field before 9:00am and after 2:00pm with their cars, trucks, and trailers to set up for the weekend  and the field will be unsafe for visitors.)  


  • Buses and cars need to park in the designated area across from George Rogers Clark Park. Rangers will assist you and your students across the busy road. 


  • Students and Chaperones will then carefully cross the road to The Fair of New Boston entrance, wait for instructions, then walk up the hill, and enter the field.  

    • Please have teachers and chaperones meet the buses in the parking area. 


  • A map of the Fair will be emailed to you prior to your visit. Please print the number of copies you need to distribute to your chaperones. 

 Greeting and Orientation:
  • Before going up the hill to enter the Fair,  groups will be given a short Greeting and Orientation to the Fair at New Boston.  Groups will learn the mission and background of The New Boston Fair and then be given a quick review of instructions for the day. 


  • Homeschool groups need to sign in or register at the Homeschool  Sign-in table at bottom of the hill. 



  • The Fair at New Boston  is an 18th century trades fair demonstrating the history of the Ohio Valley from the periods of 1780 to 1810.


  • Teachers and Chaperones direct their groups throughout the field using maps and information provided by The Fair at New Boston. Costumed participants on the field offer information and guidance.


  • Groups move from station to station every 15 minutes. There are about 25 numbered stations and about 6 presenters roaming the field.  (Please have students be respectful of the presenters. The presenters are giving of their time to educate your youth about 18th century Ohio)


  • Each station will present or demonstrate for about 10 minutes, allowing students a few minutes for questions.  


  • Groups may not have time to visit all the stations.  Groups will be directed to start at different places around the field to help with congestion. 


  • If  a station already has a group, please move to another station that is not busy. You can go back to the previous station when it clears.


  • Groups should ALWAYS be together with their teacher and chaperones. Never let a student go somewhere alone!

    • Again, if a student needs to use the restroom, send the student accompanied by a chaperone to go to the Necessaries or porta pots. 


  • If a student is found separated from their group, they will be escorted to the Little John’s Tavern.


  • Students are NOT to handle the displays of presenters, unless invited to do so. Many of these displays are hand made or antique and worth a lot of money.


  • Students are NOT to enter any unmanned booth or tent. If a tent or booth is tied shut or unmanned, this is not one of the stations. These tents and booths are the reenactors' living quarters while they stay at The New Boston Fair.  


  • The reenactors thank you in advance for being  conscientious of their living space. They dress, sleep and eat in these tents, and would hate for a student to walk in on them dressing, eating lunch, taking a nap, or etc.


  • MONUMENT & HERTZLER HOUSE:  You may visit the tall monument memorializing George Rogers Clark and Tecumseh on the hillside beside the Hertzler House. The Hertzler House is closed on Education Day.


  • In case of lightning or other bad weather, take your class to the Gathering House or to the Hertzler barn, until the threat passes. DO NOT take your class under the trees. 


  • Pre-Fair information will be sent to teachers in early August with rules, map, presenter information, and updates.


  • Students, teachers, and chaperones need to bring sack lunches.  

(Classes may bring coolers and drinks.  If you do this, please have the name of your school on the cooler.  You can store lunches/coolers behind Little John’s Tavern on the right side of the field.)


  • Lemonade will be sold for 50 cents at the tavern. 


  • Each group determines their own lunch time.


  • There is a limited number of benches and tables. Therefore, groups may eat in the open grassy areas. 


  • Please help us to keep the park clean by placing all trash in trash bins.



  • Groups may shop at any time during the day. It is up to each group to decide if and when they are going to shop during the day. 


  • Souvenirs and books will be sold at the GRCHA Gift Shop located near the exit.


  • If students buy tin whistles, water bird whistles, or any noise making item please DO NOT ALLOW THEM TO BLOW THEM during presentations or near animals.  –The whistles tend to startle the animals and interfere with presenters talking to students.  


  • For safety issues, if students buy bows and arrows teachers and/or chaperones will need to hold onto the arrows until you get back to your buses, cars, or home school.


Thank you in advance for helping keep your students and our reenactors safe! We also appreciate your help in showing respect to our reenactors and animals during The Fair at New Boston’s Education Day!

© 2025 by George Rogers Clark Heritage Association.  

  • Facebook GRCHA
  • Facebook Fair at New Boston
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